
Learning Approach, including High Potential and Gifted students

By connecting to the real world of students’ lives, authentic learning enables students to become lifelong learners who contribute to society and the wider world as active and discerning citizens. Authentic learning is central to our work as Catholic educators it promotes the continual growth and wellbeing of the whole person — spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically. 

A culture of learning and improvement is embedded in the school community. The school is focused on student achievement and success. Staff at St Thomas Catholic Primary School are learners committed to professional growth. Teaching and learning are designed to meet the needs of the children. 

“If a child can’t learn the way we teach,…..we should teach the way they learn”

(Ignacio Estrada) 

At St Thomas we stimulate learning.  

We learn: 

  •  By interacting with others.
  •  By sharing and explaining with each other what we are learning.
  •  By doing and through trial and error.
  •  Through independent play and study.
  •  Through feedback. 

We motivate students to take charge of their learning. 

Our teachers know their students and work with them to help them realise their potential as learners. Our focus on authentic learning and authentic assessment ensures that we challenge our students to grow in their learning and achieve their personal best. 

Results in Year 3 and Year 5 NAPLAN have shown growth over the years, and we consistently achieve above-average NAPLAN results in Years 3 and 5 for Literacy and Numeracy. The school has embedded practices which regularly assess student growth and set benchmarks for future growth.  

The school participates in a range of academic competitions across Key Learning Areas (KLAs), achieving positive results.


High Potential and Gifted students.

We are committed to the ongoing education of High Potential and Gifted students. Catholic Schools Broken Bay (CSBB) is committed to the holistic development of high potential and gifted students: spiritually, morally, creatively, socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually. This occurs across every domain of learning to maximise potential, nurture wellbeing and enhance meaningful participation and engagement for positive change in the world. Early identification is the crucial first step in improving learning outcomes for high potential and gifted students (Peters et al., 2021; Timperley, 2009; Silverman, 1992) so that they are provided with appropriate programs and curriculum that respond to their individual strengths and needs. Once identified, students are extended in class and given enrichment opportunities throughout the year, allowing them to work with like-minded students.

What is Gifted and High Potential Education?

High Potential students are those whose potential exceeds that of students of the same age in one or more domains. (Peters, 2016).​

Gifted students are those whose potential significantly exceeds that of students of the same age in one or more domains. Gentry, 2009, Worrell et al., 2019).​

Highly gifted students are those whose potential vastly exceeds that of students of the same age group in one or more domains. (Gross, 2003; Lubinski, 2016).​


Characteristics of Gifted and High Potential Students

  • Learns rapidly and easily​
  • Reads intensively​
  • Perfectionist​
  • Retains information well​
  • Long attention span​
  • Imaginative, curious, has many interests​
  • Works independently​
  • Alert, observant​
  • Good sense of humour​
  • Comprehends and recognises relationships​
  • Appreciation of the arts​
  • Highly verbal/extensive vocabulary​
  • Individualistic, strong willed​
  • Self-motivated, self sufficient​
  • Prefers older peers​
  • Highly sensitive, passionate​
  • Holds a different perspective, makes connections​

At St Thomas we have identified 26% of students are GHP (2024)

 In our school community (Year 2-Year 6) of 231 students:

  • 59 have been identified as Gifted and High Potential. (26%)​
  • 42% of those identified are girls and 58% are boys.​
  • ​St Thomas shows higher than average​ numbers of GHP students:
  • Average according to Gagne: 15% learners= GHP​

At St Thomas we offer the following for Gifted and High Potential students.

  • Differentiation: acceleration and extension​
  • Enrichment​: opportunities for GHP students to collaborate and problem solve​.